Automatic part

From MusiCAD

MusiCAD has a number of automatic parts available that you can use as accompaniment part

All automatic parts are recreated from another part if necessary. Usually the originating part will be the main part (recognizable in the score overview with underlining). If that part changes - for example, when notes are added or removed, barlines or time signatures are added or changed etc. - then all dependent parts also change.

An automatic harmonic part is always created when necessary from the chord symbols specified with the main melody. If a chord symbol is changed, added or removed, such an harmonic part will also change.

When an automatic part is edited, it is no longer 'automatic' and is no longer modified automatically. If you notice that the automatic parts suddenly stop updating, you have usually (unintentionally) modified it.

The instrumentation of the automatic parts can be found in the arrange dialog.

For example, to add an third below part, go to: [Part|New part|Parallel|Third below]


In layout templates you can also use automatic parts using the template function ADDPART(id)

For the new automatic parts to be created, set id to one of the following options:

ARPEGGIO1 Arpeggio part 1
ARPEGGIO2 Arpeggio part 2
ARPEGGIO3 Arpeggio part 3
ARPEGGIO4 Arpeggio part 4
CHORDS1 Chord part on the afterbeat (default)
CHORDS2 Chord part on the beat
CHORDS3 Chord part on the first beat
CHORDS4 Chord part on all counts
PIANO1 Piano part 1
PIANO2 Piano part 2
PIANO3 Piano part 3
PIANO4 Piano part 4
BASS1 Bass part 1 (default)
BASS2 Bass part 2
BASS3 Bass part 3
BASS4 Bass part 4
DRONE Bagpipe drone based on key
FUNDAMENTAL fundamental based on the chords
CHORDSYMBOLS chord symbols display
CHORD TICKS rhythm guitar part
DRUMS1 percussion part 1
DRUMS2 percussion part 2
REST part consisting of rests only
IN3UP third above within the current part
3UP third above as a separate part
IN3DN third above within the current part
3DN third below as a separate part
IN12DN octave below within the current part
12DN octave below as a separate part
IN12UP octave above within the current part
12UP Octave above part as a separate part
IN6UP sixth above in the current part
6UP sixth above as a separate part
IN6DN sixth below withinin the current part
6DN sixth below as a separate part
COPY1 Copy part

Much more extensive and complicated automatic arrangements can be added using supplied or self-created arrangement files. This uses the template function USEPATTERN, with the argument name of the arrangement such as: rumba, samba, tango , son Standard instrumentation of the arrangements added in this way can be found in the used arrangement files.

See also