From MusiCAD

SETPART is a command you can use in a layout template to modify a part attribute.


    SETPART( name, value );

You can choose name from:

Name Description Default value
bAudible Part can be heard during playback 1
bBass automatic bass part 0
bBraced Part has a text hook in front of the staff 0
bBreakBarline Barlines in the score are interrupted after this part 0
bBreakBrace The hook at the front of the bar is broken after this part 0
bBreakCurly The brace at the front of the bar is interrupted after this part 0
bCalculated Part is taken into account in the score without being visible 0
bChords automatic chord part 0
bCueSize solo part (cuesize notes) 0
bCurly Braced Part has a curly brace in front of the staff 0
bEasysNotes Show note-letter within the note head. 0
bFingeringAbove Force fingering marks above the staff. 0
bFingeringBelow Force fingering marks below the staff. 0
bHideNotes Only the text contents of the part is visible 0
bMain main part 0
bMeterAudible Make meter on playback audible through dynamics. 1
bNoBarLines part has no barlines 0
bNoRestStaff Omit all staffs from the score that consist of only rests 0
bSeparate vocal part; all short notes get flags instead of beams 0
bShowAutoRests Show automatically generated rests at end of part 0
bVisible Part is visible within score 1
iBottomStaffHeight Reserve extra whitespace below staff, usually 0 0
iChannel MIDI channel number (1-16) -1
iContinuationBars Part will be auto-continued for number of bars as specified 0
iInstrument MIDI instrument name
iNrStaffLines Number of lines per staff, usually 5 5
iPan Balance, position in the stereo image: 0=left, 64=neutral, 127=right 64
iTopStaffHeight Reserve extra whitespace above staff, usually 0 0
iTransposition Transposition of part (play number of semitones higher than notated) 0
iVolume Basic part playback volume, between 0 and 127 100
sAbbreviation abbreviation of part-name
sMelodyName Internal part name as it appears in the menus.
sTuning Part "Tuning" (Bb C Eb for transposing parts)
sVoiceName part title

The layout template that splits a two-part part has something like this:

 SETPART( sVoicename, UpperVoice ); ! "rename the part UpperVoice"
 ADDPART( COPY1 ); ! copy current part
 SETPART( sVoicename, LowerVoice ) ! rename the copied part LowerVoice
 MODIFYPART( RemoveHighvoice ); ! remove the top notes
 SELECTPART( sVoicename, UpperVoice ); ! "choose original part"
 MODIFYPART( RemoveLowvoice ); ! remove the bottom notes