Template parameters

From MusiCAD

If you should find yourself editing templates, these are some of the possible parameters you may use and an accompanying brief description.

Name Section Description
bAllowScoreEdit SETUP Use scorestyle-edit even for single voices ["1"]
bAudibleLegato SOUND legato-bows audible ["0"]
bAudibleMIDI SOUND MIDI-specific items audible ["1"]
bAudibleTempo SOUND Tempochanges audible ["1"]
bAutoBass SOUND Automatic bass accompanimentpart constructed from chordsymbols ["1"]
bAutoChords SOUND Automatic chord accompanimentpart constructed from chordsymbols ["1"]
bAutoCorrect SETUP Autocorection of fixed bar lines ["1"]
bAutoEqualize SETUP Equalize all parts within a score by adding 'disposable rests' (gray) ["1"]
bAutoOrphan LAYOUT Justify unsufficient filled lines partially ["1"]
bBeepOnError SETUP Emit sound on errorsituations ["1"]
bConfirmQuit SETUP Confirm before quitting MusiCAD ["0"]
bCopyText SETUP Copy text when creating a new part ["0"]
bDCAudible SOUND DaCapo construction audible ["1"]
bDrumSync1 SETUP Percussion syncopated on beat 1 ["0"]
bDrumSync2 SETUP Percussion syncopated on beat 2 ["0"]
bDrumSync3 SETUP Percussion syncopated on beat 3 ["0"]
bDrumSync4 SETUP Percussion syncopated on beat 4 ["0"]
bDynAudible SOUND Dynamics audible ["1"]
bFastRepaint SETUP Redraw only the changed area ["0"]
bGhostScript SETUP Use GhostScript when printing. (without pictures) ["0"]
bGraceAnticipate SOUND use anticipating grace notes ["0"]
bGraceAudible SOUND Make note/MIDI enhancements audible ["1"]
bGraceChromatic SOUND Use chromatic beautifying notes ["1"]
bGraceSlow SOUND use slow grace notes ["0"]
bHideGraceNotes LAYOUT Hide all grace notes without actually removing them ["0"]
bHideNotes LAYOUT Audible note duration when entering notes ["0"]
bLastRecall SETUP Recall last used melody on start ["1"]
bMatchArcs SETUP Verify 'begin-tie' and 'end-tie' ["0"]
bMIDIEcho SETUP "Echo" every receivedMIDI-note to MIDI-playback. ["1"]
bMIDIText SETUP Store text with MIDI-files. ["1"]
bMultirestAudible SOUND Multiple rests take time ["1"]
bPercussionMapping SOUND enable MusiCAD percussion pitch change ["1"]
bPrependAcc SETUP enter accidentals beforehand (before click/<Enter> ["0"]
bQuantGrace SETUP Use gracenotes when quantisizing ["0"]
bQuantLead SETUP Use starting rest when quantisizing ["1"]
bQuantShort SETUP Use shortening when quantisizing ["0"]
bQuantTriads SETUP Use triads when quantisizing ["0"]
bReadLayout SETUP Read layout from MusiCAD files ["1"]
bShowAutoRests LAYOUT Synthesizer (0=GM 1=Base 2=Extended): ["0"]
bShowBorder LAYOUT Draw rectangle around each page within margin. ["0"]
bShowHints SETUP Show hint-information (like this) ["1"]
bShowMarks SETUP Show edit marks as little blue squares ["1"]
bStichAudible SOUND cue-notes and alike audible ["0"]
bSwing SOUND Swing-timing ( 1/16+1/16 becomes 1/12+1/24 ) ["0"]
bTaskPanelVisible SETUP Show taskpanel ["0"]
bTickLines SETUP use ticklines when creating a chordscheme ["0"]
bTrackEdit SETUP Track last edit bar on redisplay. ["0"]
bTracking SETUP Track melody during play. ["1"]
bTruncLines LAYOUT Do not write bar lines for unused part of line ["1"]
bUseColor SETUP Use color when printing ["1"]
bWarnBlock SETUP Emit warning before commiting changes on blocks. ["0"]
bWideScroll SETUP Scroll editwindow by measure or by line ["0"]
bWriteLayout SETUP Write layout when saving MusiCAD files ["1"]
colBorder SETUP Bordercolor on-screen in page-mode ["clGray"]
colCursorBK SETUP 2nd color for notecursor ["clRed"]
colCursorFG SETUP 1st color for notecursor ["clYellow"]
colDimmed SETUP Color for dimmed elements (grey-notes/invisible text) ["clGray"]
colFrame SETUP Framecolor around notes (if enabled) ["clGray"]
colMark SETUP Markercolor ('blue rectangles') ["clBlue"]
colNote SETUP Default notecolor on-screen ["clBlack"]
colPaper SETUP Papercolor on-screen ["clWhite"]
colSelect SETUP Selectioncolor ('Blocks') ["clRed"]
colStaff SETUP Staffcolor / ledgerline color on-screen ["clGray"]
fBarnumbers LAYOUT Textlayout for bar-numbers ["(Name=Arial, Size=5, Y=7)"]
fBarText LAYOUT Textlayout for staff-height text ["(Size=24, Y=-4)"]
fBase LAYOUT Base layout ["(Name=Times New Roman, Size=8, Style=fsNormal, Color=clDefault, X=0, Y=0, Align=taLeft)"]
fChords LAYOUT Textlayout for chordsymbols like Am, C#7, Ddim etc. ["(Y=-10)"]
fCoda LAYOUT Textlayout for DaCapo-constructions ["(Size=14, Y=8)"]
fDynamics LAYOUT Textlayout for dynamisc symbols ["(Size=12, X=-2, Y=-10, Align=taRight)"]
fFC LAYOUT centered text within footer ["()"]
fFingering LAYOUT Symbol layout for fingering-signs ["(Name=Times New Roman, Size=5)"]
fFL LAYOUT left text within footer ["()"]
fFR LAYOUT Right text within footer ["()"]
fHC1 LAYOUT Upper text centered within header ["(Size=20, Y=-2)"]
fHC2 LAYOUT Middle text centered within header ["(Size=15, Y=-1)"]
fHC3 LAYOUT Lower text centered within header ["(Size=10)"]
fHdrCenter LAYOUT Base header layout center ["()"]
fHdrFoot LAYOUT Base voetlayout ["()"]
fHdrNext LAYOUT Base non-first-page headerlayout ["()"]
fHdrOther LAYOUT Base header layout other ["(Name=Arial)"]
fHeaders LAYOUT Base header layout ["(Size=8, Style=fsNarrow, Y=0)"]
fHL1 LAYOUT Upper text left within header ["()"]
fHL2 LAYOUT Middle text left within header ["()"]
fHL3 LAYOUT Lower text left within header ["()"]
fHR1 LAYOUT Upper text right within header ["()"]
fHR2 LAYOUT Middle text right within header ["()"]
fHR3 LAYOUT Lower text right within header ["()"]
fInfo LAYOUT fsItalic, Y=8)"]
fInfo1 LAYOUT Textlayout used for directions 1 (dolce etc.) ["()"]
fInfo2 LAYOUT Textlayout used for directions 2 (instrument releated like arco etc.) ["(Y=-8)"]
fInfo3 LAYOUT Textlayout used for directions 3 (cue marks [A] etc.) ["(Name=Arial, Size=11, Style=fsNormal, Color=clRed, Y=7)"]
fISpecific LAYOUT Symbollayout for instrument-specific signs like upbow, stress etc. ["()"]
fLyrics LAYOUT Base textlayout for any lyrics ["(Name=Arial, Style=fsNarrow)"]
fLyrics1 LAYOUT Textlayout for lyrics 1 (i.e. 1st verse) ["()"]
fLyrics2 LAYOUT Textlayout for lyrics 2 (i.e. 2nd verse) ["(Y=-12)"]
fLyrics3 LAYOUT Textlayout for lyrics 3 (i.e. 3rd verse) ["(Y=-16)"]
fLyrics4 LAYOUT Textlayout for lyrics 4 (i.e. refrain) ["(Y=-20)"]
fMultiRest LAYOUT Textlayout for ciphers of multirest ["(Name=Times New Roman, Size=12, Style=fsBold, Y=5, Align=taLeft)"]
fMusic LAYOUT Baselayout for music-symbols ["(Name=MusiCAD, Size=10, Align=taCenter)"]
fNC LAYOUT centered text within header on non-first pages ["()"]
fNL LAYOUT Left text within header on non-first pages ["()"]
fNR LAYOUT Right text within header on non-first pages ["()"]
fOrnaments LAYOUT Symbol layout for ornamentation signs(mordenten, trillers etc.) ["(Size=12)"]
fSectionCenter LAYOUT centered text in melodiesecties ["(Size=15, Y=15)"]
fSectionLeft LAYOUT left text in melodysections ["(Y=13)"]
fSectionRight LAYOUT Right text text in melodiesecties ["(Y=13)"]
fSelection LAYOUT Textlayout for repeatsigns (prima volta, 1-tjes) ["(Size=8, Y=7)"]
fSpecial LAYOUT Textlayout for special music symbols ["()"]
fSymbol LAYOUT Symbol layout for manually inserted MusiCAD symbolen ["()"]
fTempo LAYOUT Textlayout for tempoaanduidingen ["(Name=Arial, Size=7, Y=8)"]
fText LAYOUT Base textlayout ["(Size=7, Y=-8)"]
fVoiceHdr LAYOUT Textlayout for partdescription at first line ["(Size=6, X=15, Y=7)"]
fVoiceHdrX LAYOUT Textlayout for partdescription at non-first lines ["(Size=0)"]
ibar linePct LAYOUT Weight of bar lines shown as percentage (100=default) ["100"]
iBarNumbering LAYOUT Choose bar-number locations ["0"]
iBarsLeadIn SOUND Number of lead-in ticks ["0"]
iBassNoteHi SETUP Highest note within auto-bas: ["B3"]
iBassNoteLo SETUP Lowest note within auto-bas: ["C2"]
iBottomStaffHeight LAYOUT Reserved extra whitespace below staff, usually 0 ["0"]
iChannel SOUND MIDI channel number (1-16) ["0"]
iChordNoteHi SETUP Highest note within auto-chord: ["C6"]
iChordNoteLo SETUP Lowest note within auto-chord: ["C4"]
iContinuationBars DATA Continue part with paattern used in the muber of bars given. ["0"]
iCurBar DATA Choose bar-number locations ["1"]
iCurID DATA Additional distance between two staffsystems within a score (verticalunits): ["0"]
iDrumNote1 SETUP Drum note at 1st beat ["35"]
iDrumNote2 SETUP Drum note at after beat ["42"]
iDrumNote3 SETUP Alternating drum note ["38"]
iDrumProgram SETUP Drumprogram to be used for percussion ["0"]
iDrumSplit4 SETUP language to be used in menu's and dialogs ["1"]
iDynAccent SOUND accent (MIDI-volume) ["10"]
iDynAccentExtra SOUND marcato (MIDI-volume) ["20"]
iDynBar SOUND Extra volume added to each first note within a bar ["10"]
iDynCluster SOUND Extra volume added to each first note within a cluster ["15"]
iDynCresc SOUND crescendo, louder, increasing volume (MIDI-volume) ["30"]
iDynDeCresc SOUND decrescendo/diminuendo, softer, decreasing volume (MIDI-volume) ["-30"]
iDynF SOUND forte, loud (MIDI-volume) ["110"]
iDynFF SOUND fortissimo, zeer loud (MIDI-volume) ["120"]
iDynFFF SOUND fortissimo possibile, as loud as possible (MIDI-volume) ["127"]
iDynMF SOUND mezzo forte, medium loud (MIDI-volume) ["100"]
iDynMP SOUND mezzo piano, medium soft (MIDI-volume) ["90"]
iDynP SOUND piano, soft (MIDI-volume) ["80"]
iDynPP SOUND pianissimo, very soft (MIDI-volume) ["60"]
iDynPPP SOUND pianissimo possibile, as soft as possible (MIDI-volume) ["40"]
iDynRFZ SOUND rinsforzando, stressed notecluster (MIDI-volume) ["-20"]
iDynSFZ SOUND sforzato, stressed single note (MIDI-volume) ["20"]
iDynStart SOUND Starting volume if no dynamics were used ["100"]
iDynTenuto SOUND tenuto (MIDI-volume) ["10"]
iEditX SETUP Note width in pixels during edit mode: ["5"]
iEditY SETUP Note height in pixels during edit mode: ["4"]
iFermatePercent SOUND Tempo adjust percent for fermates ["200"]
iFixedGraceDur SOUND Fixed embellishement duration (set 0 for relative duration) ["1/32"]
iHdrDist LAYOUT Distance between header and first line ["4"]
iHeaderSize LAYOUT Height of text above melody in vertical units: ["12"]
iHelpLinePercent LAYOUT Length of ledger lines (100% is default) ["100"]
iIndentStaff1 LAYOUT Staffindentation for first line. ["0"]
iIndentStaffNext LAYOUT Staffindentation for other lines. ["0"]
iInstrument SOUND MIDI-instrumentname, <F3> or rightclick to change. [""]
iLineFillPct LAYOUT Justify lines if at least this percentage of the line has beenfilled: ["60"]
iLineSpacing LAYOUT Additional distance between two staffsystems within a score (verticalunits): ["4"]
iMaxBackups SETUP Maximum number of backup copies per melody: ["2"]
iMaxDistPct LAYOUT Largest allowable notedistance used behind longest note (at 100% all notes are at least two dots apart) ["100"]
iMaxGlobalUndo SETUP Levels of global undo ["10"]
iMaxMenuFiles SETUP Maximum nr of previously opened files to be shown in File-menu ["5"]
iMenuOptions SETUP Options_dialog ["0"]
iMenuPart SETUP Score_dialog ["0"]
iMetronomeVolume SETUP Volume of MIDI-drum-metronome: ["100"]
iMIDIInputType SETUP Sound output device ["0"]
iMIDIInputVolume SETUP MIDI-Input volume ["100"]
iMIDILevel SETUP Synthesizer (0=GM 1=Base 2=Extended): ["0"]
iMIDIOutputType SETUP Sound input device ["0"]
iMIDIShiftIn SETUP Number of semitones to be shifted while recording: ["0"]
iMIDIShiftOut SETUP Number of semitones to be shifted while playing: ["0"]
iMIDISplit SETUP MIDI-split point: ["C3"]
iMinDistPct LAYOUT Smallest allowable notedistance used behind shortest note (at 100% all notes are at least half a dot apart) ["100"]
iMinTieDistance LAYOUT Draw slur instead of tie when notes are closer than prescribed (in 1/100 units) ["350"]
iNBarsPerLine LAYOUT Maximum bars per line (0=auto) ["0"]
iNLinesPerPage LAYOUT Maximum lines per page (0=auto): ["0"]
iNrstaff lines LAYOUT Nr of lines per staff, usually 5 ["5"]
iPageBottom LAYOUT mm whitespace use as bottom margin ["15"]
iPageFillPct LAYOUT Justify page if at least this percentage of the page has beenfilled: ["75"]
iPageLeft LAYOUT mm whitespace use as left margin ["20"]
iPageLen LAYOUT Length of paper in mm ["297"]
iPageRight LAYOUT mm whitespace use as right margin ["10"]
iPageTop LAYOUT mm whitespace use as top margin ["15"]
iPageWidth LAYOUT Width of paper in mm ["210"]
iPan SOUND Panning, position within stereoview: 0=left, 64=center, 127=right ["64"]
iPlayDur SETUP Audible note duration when entering notes ["100"]
iPrnOrient LAYOUT Paper Orientation (Portrait/Landscape) ["0"]
iPrnPaperSize LAYOUT Papersize ["4"]
iQuantNote SETUP Choose shortest allowable note (1/8) ["1/16"]
iQuantRest SETUP Choose shortest allowable rest (1/16) ["1/16"]
iQuantSmall SETUP Choose shortest allowable unit (1/32: Note>=Rest>=Unit. ["1/32"]
iRepeatCount SOUND : and :| too: ["1"]
iResizeOrphanPct LAYOUT 'Orphans' are bars on a non-filled line. and should expanded with the same amount as filled lines ["10"]
iSaveInterval SETUP Time in minutes between two automatic backup copies: ["3"]
iScaleHorizontal LAYOUT Horizontal scalingfactor (100% is default) ["100"]
iScaleVertical LAYOUT Vertical scalingfactor (100% is default) ["100"]
iSizeFtr LAYOUT Footer height at bottom of page. (0 for auto): ["8"]
iSizeHdrNext LAYOUT Header height of other pages.(0 for auto): ["8"]
iSizeHdrSection LAYOUT Minumum height to be reserved for use with sections ["20"]
iStaffDist LAYOUT Whitespace between two staffs within a score ["2"]
iStaffHeight LAYOUT Height of a staff in vertical units: ["20"]
istaff linePct LAYOUT Weight of staff lines shown as percentage (100=default) ["100"]
iStemLengthPct LAYOUT Length of stems (100% is default) ["100"]
iStemLinePct LAYOUT Weight of stems shown as percentage (100=default) ["100"]
iStichNoteOffset SOUND Stichnote play offset: ["0"]
iSwing SOUND Swing-timing used for long-short clusters 0='1:2', 1='2:3' ["0"]
iTempo SOUND Tempo in quarternotes per minute. ["120"]
iTopStaffHeight LAYOUT Reserved extra whitespace above staff, usually 0 ["0"]
iTransposition SOUND Transposition of part (play nr of semitones higher then notated) ["0"]
iUndoLimit SETUP # of undo buffers: ["30"]
iVolume SOUND Base playbackvolume of part, >=0, <=127 ["100"]
iWidthPostbar line LAYOUT Extra white space after bar lines (1/100 units) ["50"]
iWidthPostCKMchange LAYOUT Extra white space after key (1/100 units) ["50"]
iWidthPrebar line LAYOUT Extra white space before bar lines (1/100 units) ["50"]
sArea DATA Area [""]
sArranger DATA Arranger of the piece ($A) [""]
sComment DATA Comment [""]
sComposer DATA Composer of the piece ($C) [""]
sCopyright DATA Copyright holder ($R) [""]
sCountry DATA Coubtry of origin [""]
sDirGS SETUP GhostScript directory ["$eGS"]
sFC LAYOUT Footer text center ["$R"]
sFilGSDest SETUP Filename to be used with Postscript ["$tMCPRINT.PS"]
sFilSjabloneABC SETUP Layout template for imported ABC files [""]
sFilSjabloneMC SETUP Layout template for MusiCAD-files without self-contained layout [""]
sFilSjabloneMIDI SETUP Layout template for imported MIDI files [""]
sFilSjabloneTXT SETUP Layout template for imported text files ["$eDEFTXT.MSJ"]
sFL LAYOUT Footer text left ["$M $Q $D"]
sFR LAYOUT Footer text right ["$<Pg $#"]
sGSCommand SETUP GS Print command ["GS550.EXE"]
sGSDevice SETUP GhostScript 'device' to be used ["mswinpr2"]
sGSPrintOptions SETUP Parameters for GS printing ["-q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE"]
sHC1 LAYOUT Header text center top ["$T"]
sHC2 LAYOUT Header text center middle ["$S"]
sHC3 LAYOUT Header text center bottom ["$F"]
sHL1 LAYOUT Header text left top ["$P$ $G$ $z"]
sHL2 LAYOUT Header text left middle ["$H$ $W"]
sHL3 LAYOUT Header text left bottom ["$@ $m"]
sHR1 LAYOUT Header text right top ["$v$ $X"]
sHR2 LAYOUT Header text right middle ["$C$ $Z"]
sHR3 LAYOUT Header text right bottom ["$A$ $Y"]
sInfo DATA Info [""]
sMode DATA Mode [""]
sNC LAYOUT Next page header text center ["$T"]
sndAlert SETUP Sound for low priority warning ["SystemAsterisk"]
sndClick SETUP Sound for lowest priority warning ["SystemDefault"]
sndError SETUP Sound for high priority error ["SystemExclamation"]
sndFatal SETUP Sound for fatal error ["SystemHand"]
sndWarn SETUP Sound for warning ["SystemQuestion"]
sNL LAYOUT Next page header text left ["$P"]
sNR LAYOUT Next page header text right ["$X"]
sOriginal DATA Originele auteur [""]
sPlayOrder DATA Order [""]
sSendToEMail SETUP SEND TO. ["Muziek Archief MusiCAD <muzamus@dse.nl>"]
sSource DATA Source of the tune ($Z) [""]
sStyle DATA Styledescription [""]
sSubTitle DATA First subtitle ($S) [""]
sSubTitle2 DATA Second subtitle ($F) [""]
sTextWriter DATA Songwriter of the lyrics ($W) [""]
sTitle DATA Main title of musicpiece ($T) [""]
sTuning DATA Tuning (like Bflat instruments) (X) [""]
sTxtArea DATA Description for "Area" [""]
sTxtArranger DATA Description for "Arranger" ["arr: "]
sTxtComment DATA Description for "Comment" [""]
sTxtComposer DATA Description for "Composer" [""]
sTxtCopyright DATA Description for "Copyright" ["\Oc "]
sTxtCountry DATA Description for "Country" [""]
sTxtInfo DATA Description for "Info" [""]
sTxtMode DATA Description for "Mode" [""]
sTxtOriginal DATA Description for "Original author" ["org: "]
sTxtPlayOrder DATA Description for "Order" [""]
sTxtSource DATA Description for "Source" [""]
sTxtStyle DATA Description for "Style" [""]
sTxtSubTitle DATA Description for "Subtitle" [""]
sTxtSubTitle2 DATA Description for "Seconf subtitle" [""]
sTxtTextWriter DATA Description for "Songwriter" ["txt: "]
sTxtTitle DATA Description for "Title" [""]
sTxtTuning DATA Description for "Tuning" [""]