Music directions

From MusiCAD

Music directions are available in three styles:

In much written music, text occurs in one way or another. This can be text intended for singing (lyrics) but usually it concerns instructions on how to play a passage. MusiCAD has four text types that are specifically intended for this purpose.


Directions 1
primarily intended for texts like adagio (lyrics related to tempo). These are usually listed in bold serif above the bar (for position, size, color and style see [Options|Text]. Use <h> to insert;
Directions 2
including dynamics like crescendo are usually bold italics serif font below the bar (for position, size, color and style see [Options|Text]. Use <i> to insert;
Directions 3
primarily intended for score markers. Can be entered immediately with <ctrl-alt-shift-A>, or <j> with text [A] to insert;
Directions 4
used for arco, pizz. which are usually written non-bold in serif above the bar. Use <k> to insert;

See text entry for more information.

You are also free to use these text types for other purposes if it suits you.

See also