Modification buttons

From MusiCAD

edit buttons

Notation bar

On the notation bar, the edit buttons of the button bar have the following function.

size-plus <ctrl +> Make cursor object larger. Applies to text and crescendi and slurs.
size-minus <ctrl -> Make cursor object smaller. Applies to text and crescendi and slurs.
move-left <ctrl-altPijltje naar links> move cursor object to the left (swap places with previous ones)
move-right <ctrl-altPijltje naar rechts> move cursor object to the right (switch places with next)
move-up <+> semitone resp. unit up
move-down <-> semitone resp. unit down
cursor-begin <ctrl-PageUp> go to previous hard barline
cursor-end <ctrl-PageDown> go to next hard barline
cursor-top <shift-Tab> select staff above
cursor-bottom <Tab> select staff below
cursor-left <altPijltje naar links> move object 1 unit to the left
cursor-right <altPijltje naar rechts> move object 1 unit to the right
cursor-up <altPijltje omhoog> move object up 1 unit
cursor-down <altPijltje omlaag> move object down 1 unit

hotkey assignment allows you to assign other functions to a button for use on the score bar.

Main screen

The edit buttons are linked to layout templates for use in the main screen.

size-plus <ctrl +> reduce scaling - 5%
size-minus <ctrl -> increase scaling +5%
move-left <altPijltje naar links> move notes closer together
move-right <altPijltje naar rechts> space notes further apart
move-up <altPijltje omhoog> set lines closer together
move-down <altPijltje omlaag> sets lines further apart
cursor-begin <ctrl-Home> open previous file (alphabetical)
cursor-end <ctrl-End> open next file (alphabetical)
cursor-top <ctrl-PageUp> select previous part
cursor-bottom <ctrl-PageDown> select next part
cursor-left <ctrlPijltje naar links> decrease initial tempo by 5
cursor-right <ctrlPijltje naar rechts> increase initial tempo by 5
cursor-up <ctrlPijltje omhoog> transpose up semitone
cursor-down <ctrlPijltje omlaag> transpose semitone down

Right-clicking on a button opens a window where you can choose the desired layout template.

For assigned buttons, a hint shows what is associated with them. Unassigned buttons are grayed out.

See also