Accidental menu

From MusiCAD

Using the accidental menu doubleflat on the buttonbar or <alt-F11> you can modify notes to have:

no sharps/flats or whatever. normal note
flat one semitone lower
sharp one semitone higher
natural original tuning - either a semitone higher or lower than without natural
double sharp a semitone higher than the already sharpened tone
double flat a semitone higher than the already flattened tone
half sharp a quartertone higher (for use in quartertone scales such as maqams)
half flat a quartertone lower (for use in quartertone scales such as maqams)
three quartertones higher (for use in quartertone scales such as maqams)
three quartertones lower (for use in quartertone scales such as maqams)

See also

Repeats menuTrill menuDynamics menuLine menuBarline menuNote properties menuRest menuGrace menuAccidental menuTools menuKnoppenbalk-notatieknoppen.jpg
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