Key menu

From MusiCAD
Revision as of 11:54, 10 August 2022 by Musys (talk | contribs)

You will see the key menu after using the button key or the keyboard shortcut <shift-F9>.

On the displayed circle of fifths the current key signature is preselected.

key menu

In the key menu, use the mouse or arrows to select what the new key should be and press [insert] (to change key at the cursor position) or [replace] (to replace the existing key (far) before the cursor position). to replace).

Note: Selecting a new key is not the same as transposition!

minor key

The check box for minor makes minor keys visible to choose from instead of major keys. For more information, see also theory.

key with 7 flats

The 7 flats check box shows the enharmonic_swapped (major) keys of D flat, G flat, and C flat instead of C sharp, F flat, and B (or in the case of minor B flat minor, E flat flat). minor and As minor instead of Ais minor, D minor and G sharp minor)

See also