Accidental menu

From MusiCAD
Revision as of 18:30, 15 April 2023 by Musys (talk | contribs)

Using the accidental menu you can modify notes to have:

no sharps/flats or whatever. normal note
Flat one semitone lower
sharp one semitone higher
natural original tuning - either a semitone higher or lower than without natural
double sharp a semitone higher than the already sharpened tone
double flat a semitone higher than the already flattened tone
half sharp a quartertone higher (for use in quartertone scales such as maquams)
half flat a quartertone lower (for use in quartertone scales such as maquams)

See also

Repeats menuTrill menuDynamics menuLine menuBarline menuNote properties menuRest menuGrace menuAccidental menuTools menuKnoppenbalk-notatieknoppen.jpg
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