Music files

From MusiCAD

MusiCAD can handle a number of music files:

  • MC files, MusiCAD native music files;
  • ABC files, a widely used extremely compact text format for (folk) music;
  • MIDI files, a file format in which music can be made - describes what you hear, not how it should come out on paper;
  • MusicXML files, a highly detailed file format that expresses all the notation details - for exchange between different music processors; mxl files are compressed variants of the xml or musicxml file.

In addition to music notation, MC, ABC and XML files can also be viewed as text files.

To do this, use [View|Text Display] after calling up a song. You can also edit and save both types of music as text.

Score templates and layout templates are 'stripped' MC .files; the notes are missing (or not used).