Edit commands

From MusiCAD

More than 640 edit commands are available, of which around 400 have been assigned to a key-combination. Below is a list of all available edit commands.

No Command Description
1 Abort Abort
2 AttributeDec Reduce size of cursor object
3 AttributeInc Enlarge size of cursor object
4 BarLine Insert bar line /change bar line style
5 BarRecombine recombine notes as necessary
6 BarRepeat Insert repeat bar line /change repeat style
7 BarSplit Split notes that extend bar lines
8 BlockBegin Mark start of selection
9 BlockCopy Copy selection
10 BlockDelBarnrs Remove all bar number changes from selection
11 BlockDelChords Remove all chord symbols from selection
12 BlockDelColors Remove all color changes from selection
13 BlockDelDynamics Remove all dynamics from selection
14 BlockDelInfo1 Remove all Info text 1 from selection
15 BlockDelInfo2 Remove all Info text 2 from selection
16 BlockDelInfo3 Remove all Info text 3 from selection
17 BlockDelLyrics1 Remove all Lyrics 1 from selection
18 BlockDelLyrics2 Remove all Lyrics 2 from selection
19 BlockDelLyrics3 Remove all Lyrics 3 from selection
20 BlockDelLyrics4 Remove all Lyrics 4 from selection
21 BlockDelMidi Remove all extra MIDI-events from selection
22 BlockDelTempo Remove all tempo changes from selection
23 BlockDelete Delete selection
24 BlockEnd Mark end of selection
25 BlockExtendBegin Extend selection to begin of part
26 BlockExtendBeginLine Extend selection to begin of line
27 BlockExtendEnd Extend selection up to end of part
28 BlockExtendEndLine Extend selection to end of line
29 BlockExtendNext Extend selection with next cluster
30 BlockExtendNextBar Extend selection with next bar
31 BlockExtendNextBarline Extend selection with next hard bar line
32 BlockExtendNextLine Extend selection with next line
33 BlockExtendPrev Extend selection with previous cluster
34 BlockExtendPrevBar Extend selection with previous bar
35 BlockExtendPrevBarline Extend selection with previous hard bar line
36 BlockExtendPrevLine Extend selection with previous line
37 BlockHide Hide block selection
38 BlockInsert Insert selection
39 BlockReSelect Reselect previous selection
40 BlockRead Read fragment from disk
41 BlockRemoveArcs Remove all ties
42 BlockRemoveEnhX Remove all enharmonic exchanges
43 BlockRemoveHard Remove all manual bar lines
44 BlockRemoveManualClus Remove all manual clustering
45 BlockRemoveShift Remove all shifts
46 BlockRemoveText Remove text form selection
47 BlockRemoveUpDown Remove all forced stem directions
48 BlockSelectAll Select all
49 BlockSelectBar Select current bar
50 BlockTranspose Transpose selection
51 BlockWrite Save fragment to disk
52 BoldDec Lighten
53 BoldInc Bolden
54 BtmBarlines Bar lines
55 Btn1 Whole note 1/1 (semibreve)
56 Btn128 Hundredtwentyeightst note 1/128 (semihemidemisemiquaver)
57 Btn16 Sixteenth note 1/16 (semiquaver)
58 Btn2 Half a note 1/2 (minim)
59 Btn32 Thirtysecond note 1/32 (demisemiquaver)
60 Btn4 Quarter note 1/4 (crotchet)
61 Btn64 Sixtyfourth note 1/64 (hemidemisemiquaver)
62 Btn8 Eight note 1/8 (quaver)
63 BtnAccidentals Accidentals (sharp/flat/natural)
64 BtnArrow Click: insert note/reposition
65 BtnAuto Automatic duration ON/off
66 BtnBind Other note properties
67 BtnChord Chord mode: add notes to nearest stem
68 BtnClef Clef
69 BtnCoda Structure signs (Coda, reprise)
70 BtnCresc Crescendo-like signs
71 BtnCut Cut selection
72 BtnDotted Punctuation ON/off
73 BtnErase Erase
74 BtnHelp Help!
75 BtnInsertMode Insert instead of overstrike
76 BtnKey Key
77 BtnMF Dynamic signs (mp/mf)
78 BtnMIDI MIDI keyboard ON/off
79 BtnMeter Meter
80 BtnMordent gracing (note bound)
81 BtnMove Move/Resize
82 BtnPaste Paste selection
83 BtnPlay Play
84 BtnRedo Redo
85 BtnRest Rests
86 BtnTempo Tempo
87 BtnText Text insert mode;

Switch on and select text-insert style beneath, Switch off for normal operation.

88 BtnTools Tools
89 BtnTriad Triad notes ON/off
90 BtnUndo Undo
91 BtnUser1 user button 1 (right click for definition)
92 BtnUser2 user button 2 (right click for definition)
93 BtnUser3 user button 3 (right click for definition)
94 BtnUser4 user button 4 (right click for definition)
95 BtnUser5 user button 5 (right click for definition)
96 BtnUser6 user button 6 (right click for definition)
97 BtnUser7 user button 7 (right click for definition)
98 BtnUser8 user button 8 (right click for definition)
99 ClearOptions Make default note
100 CommandList Choose a command from commandlist
101 CursorDown Cursor down
102 CursorEnd Cursor to end of line
103 CursorFastDown Cursor fastup
104 CursorFastUp Cursor fastdown
105 CursorFirst Cursor to begin of part
106 CursorHome Cursor to begin of line
107 CursorLast Cursor to end of part
108 CursorNext Cursor to next object
109 CursorNextBar Cursor to next bar
110 CursorNextCluster Cursor to next cluster
111 CursorNextLine Cursor to next line
112 CursorNextNote Cursor to next note
113 CursorNextText Cursor to next text
114 CursorPrev Cursor to previous object
115 CursorPrevBar Cursor to previous bar
116 CursorPrevCluster Cursor to previous cluster
117 CursorPrevLine Cursor to previous line
118 CursorPrevNote Cursor to previous note
119 CursorPrevText Cursor to previous text
120 CursorUp Cursor up
121 Debug1 Debug1
122 Debug2 Debug2
123 DeleteItem Delete cursor object
124 DeletePrevItem Delete previous object
125 DurDot Modify duration: punctuation (* 3/2)
126 DurDouble Modify duration: double (* 2)
127 DurHalf Modify duration: half (* 1/2)
128 DurQuintuplet Modify duration Quintuplet (* 4/5)
129 DurSeptuplet Modify duration Septuplet (* 4/7)
130 DurSet1 Set duration 1/1
131 DurSet128 Set duration 1/128
132 DurSet16 Set duration 1/16
133 DurSet2 Set duration 1/2
134 DurSet32 Set duration 1/32
135 DurSet4 Set duration 1/4
136 DurSet64 Set duration 1/64
137 DurSet8 Set duration 1/8
138 DurTriplet Modify duration Triplet (* 2/3)
139 EqualizeScore Equalize length of all parts within score
140 InsertAlCoda Insert Al Coda-sign
141 InsertAlCoda2 Insert Al Coda2-sign
142 InsertAlFine Insert Al Fine-sign
143 InsertArpeggio Insert Arpeggio
144 InsertBarLineDashed Insert dashed bar line
145 InsertBarLineDotted Insert dotted' bar line
146 InsertBarLineDouble Insert double bar line
147 InsertBarLineFake Insert fake bar line
148 InsertBarLineFatDouble Insert double fat bar line
149 InsertBarLineFatLeft Insert start bar line
150 InsertBarLineFatRight Insert end bar line
151 InsertBarLineSingle Insert hard bar line
152 InsertBarNr Define new bar number
153 InsertBarRepeatBoth Insert repeat bar line both
154 InsertBarRepeatLeft Insert repeat bar line end
155 InsertBarRepeatRight Insert repeat bar line start
156 InsertBarText Insert in-staff-text
157 InsertBreath Insert breath sign
158 InsertChord Insert chord symbol
159 InsertChordA Insert chord symbol A
160 InsertChordB Insert chord symbol B
161 InsertChordC Insert chord symbol C
162 InsertChordD Insert chord symbol D
163 InsertChordE Insert chord symbol E
164 InsertChordF Insert chord symbol F
165 InsertChordG Insert chord symbol G
166 InsertChordH Insert chord symbol H (German)
167 InsertChordNC Insert 'No-Chords' symbol NC
168 InsertChordNone Insert '-' symbol to represent No-Chords
169 InsertClef15va Insert 15va
170 InsertClef15va Insert 15va basso
171 InsertClef8va Insert 8va basso
172 InsertClef8va Insert 8va
173 InsertClefAlto Insert alto clef
174 InsertClefBass Insert bass clef
175 InsertClefDrums Insert percussion clef
176 InsertClefLoco Insert loco
177 InsertClefTenor Insert tenor clef
178 InsertClefTreble Insert treble clef
179 InsertCoda Insert Coda-sign
180 InsertCoda2 Insert second Coda-sign
181 InsertCombi Insert combi note
182 InsertConcaveArc Insert slur above
183 InsertConditional1 Insert first ending (prima volta)
184 InsertConditional12 Insert 1,2 ending
185 InsertConditional123 Insert 1,2,3 ending
186 InsertConditional13 Insert 1,3 ending
187 InsertConditional2 Insert second ending (secunda volta)
188 InsertConditional24 Insert 2,4 ending
189 InsertConditional3 Insert third ending
190 InsertConditional4 Insert fourth ending
191 InsertConditionalLinebreak Insert conditional line break
192 InsertConditionalPagebreak Insert conditional page break
193 InsertConvexArc Insert slur below
194 InsertCrescendo Insert Crescendo-sign
195 InsertDCalFine Insert D.C. alFine-sign
196 InsertDSalFine Insert D.S. alFine-sign
197 InsertDaCapo Insert Da Capo-sign
198 InsertDalSegno Insert Dal Segno-sign
199 InsertDalSegno1 Insert D.S. Segno
200 InsertDalSegno2 Insert D.S. Paragraph
201 InsertDeletedNote Reinsert deletion
202 InsertDiminuendo Insert Diminuendo-sign
203 InsertDynF Insert forte F-sign
204 InsertDynFF Insert fortissimo FF-sign
205 InsertDynFFF Insert fortissimo FFF-sign
206 InsertDynFP Insert forte-piano FP-sign
207 InsertDynFPP Insert forte-pianissimo FPP-sign
208 InsertDynMF Insert mezzo-forte MF-sign
209 InsertDynMFP Insert mezzoforte-piano MFP-sign
210 InsertDynMFPP Insert mezzoforte-pianissimo MFPP-sign
211 InsertDynMP Insert mezzo-piano MP-sign
212 InsertDynP Insert piano P-sign
213 InsertDynPP Insert pianissimo PP-sign
214 InsertDynPPP Insert pianissimo PPP-sign
215 InsertDynRFZ Insert rinforzando RFZ-sign
216 InsertDynSFP Insert sforzando-piano SFP-sign
217 InsertDynSFPP Insert sforzando-pianissimo SFPP-sign
218 InsertDynSFZ Insert sforzato SFZ-sign
219 InsertDynamics Insert Dynamic marks
220 InsertExtraStick Insert extra stem
221 InsertFine Insert Fine-sign
222 InsertFragment1 Insert Fragment 1 from {FRAG01}.MC)
223 InsertFragment10 Insert Fragment 10
224 InsertFragment11 Insert Fragment 11
225 InsertFragment12 Insert Fragment 12
226 InsertFragment2 Insert Fragment 2
227 InsertFragment3 Insert Fragment 3
228 InsertFragment4 Insert Fragment 4
229 InsertFragment5 Insert Fragment 5
230 InsertFragment6 Insert Fragment 6
231 InsertFragment7 Insert Fragment 7
232 InsertFragment8 Insert Fragment 8
233 InsertFragment9 Insert Fragment 9
234 InsertGlissando Insert Glissando-sign
235 InsertGrace Insert grace note
236 InsertGrace16 Insert grace note 1/16
237 InsertGrace16Mark Insert short (strike-thRough) grace note 1/16
238 InsertGrace2 Insert grace note 1/2
239 InsertGrace32 Insert short grace note 1/32
240 InsertGrace4 Insert grace note 1/4
241 InsertGrace8 Insert grace note 1/8
242 InsertGrace8Mark Insert short (strike-thRough) grace note 1/8
243 InsertInfo1 Insert rehearsal letter [1]
244 InsertInfo2 Insert rehearsal letter [2]
245 InsertInfo3 Insert rehearsal letter [3]
246 InsertInfo4 Insert rehearsal letter [4]
247 InsertInfo5 Insert rehearsal letter [5]
248 InsertInfo6 Insert rehearsal letter [6]
249 InsertInfo7 Insert rehearsal letter [7]
250 InsertInfo8 Insert rehearsal letter [8]
251 InsertInfo9 Insert rehearsal letter [9]
252 InsertInfoA Insert rehearsal letter [A]
253 InsertInfoB Insert rehearsal letter [B]
254 InsertInfoC Insert rehearsal letter [C]
255 InsertInfoD Insert rehearsal letter [D]
256 InsertInfoE Insert rehearsal letter [E]
257 InsertInfoF Insert rehearsal letter [F]
258 InsertInfoG Insert rehearsal letter [G]
259 InsertInfoH Insert rehearsal letter [H]
260 InsertInfoI Insert rehearsal letter [I]
261 InsertInfoJ Insert rehearsal letter [J]
262 InsertInfoK Insert rehearsal letter [K]
263 InsertInfoL Insert rehearsal letter [L]
264 InsertInfoM Insert rehearsal letter [M]
265 InsertInfoN Insert rehearsal letter [N]
266 InsertInfoO Insert rehearsal letter [O]
267 InsertInfoP Insert rehearsal letter [P]
268 InsertInfoQ Insert rehearsal letter [Q]
269 InsertInfoR Insert rehearsal letter [R]
270 InsertInfoS Insert rehearsal letter [S]
271 InsertInfoT Insert rehearsal letter [T]
272 InsertInfoU Insert rehearsal letter [U]
273 InsertInfoV Insert rehearsal letter [V]
274 InsertInfoW Insert rehearsal letter [W]
275 InsertInfoX Insert rehearsal letter [X]
276 InsertInfoY Insert rehearsal letter [Y]
277 InsertInfoZ Insert rehearsal letter [Z]
278 InsertIntro Insert intro-sign ('start here')
279 InsertKeyA Insert key A
280 InsertLineBreak Insert hard line break
281 InsertLineCurled Insert curly line
282 InsertLineDashed Insert dashed line
283 InsertLineDashed Insert dashed line
284 InsertLineDotted Insert dotted line
285 InsertLineDotted Insert dotted line
286 InsertLineFat Insert solid fat line
287 InsertLineFat Insert solid fat line
288 InsertLineHookDown Insert hooked line down
289 InsertLineHookUp Insert hooked line up
290 InsertLineSolid Insert solid line
291 InsertMIDI Insert MIDI event
292 InsertMeter Insert meter at wish
293 InsertMeter Insert meter at wish
294 InsertMeter22 Insert meter 2/2
295 InsertMeter24 Insert meter 2/4
296 InsertMeter34 Insert meter 3/4
297 InsertMeter38 Insert meter 3/8
298 InsertMeter44 Insert meter 4/4
299 InsertMeter48 Insert meter 4/8
300 InsertMeter68 Insert meter 6/8
301 InsertMeterCommon Insert Common meter 'C)
302 InsertMeterDivCommon Insert Divided Common meter 'C-slash' or 'alla breve'
303 InsertMusicInfoText1 Insert direction 1
304 InsertMusicInfoText2 Insert direction 2
305 InsertMusicInfoText3 Insert direction 3
306 InsertMusicadCode Insert Musicad Code
307 InsertNote Insert note at cursor position
308 InsertNoteA Insert note A
309 InsertNoteB Insert note B
310 InsertNoteC Insert note C
311 InsertNoteD Insert note D
312 InsertNoteE Insert note E
313 InsertNoteF Insert note F
314 InsertNoteG Insert note G
315 InsertOssia Insert ossia (alternate)
316 InsertPageBreak Insert hard page break
317 InsertParagraph Insert Paragraph-sign
318 InsertPedal Insert Pedal-down
319 InsertPedalRelease Insert Pedal-up
320 InsertPercussion Insert percussion note
321 InsertPicture Insert picture
322 InsertRepeatBar Insert bar repeat sign
323 InsertRepeatPhrase Insert Phrase-repeat-sign
324 InsertRest Insert rest with current duration
325 InsertRest1 Insert rest 1/1
326 InsertRest16 Insert rest 1/16
327 InsertRest2 Insert rest 1/2
328 InsertRest32 Insert rest 1/32
329 InsertRest4 Insert rest 1/4
330 InsertRest8 Insert rest 1/8
331 InsertRestMulti Insert rest for multiple bars
332 InsertSectionText Insert section text between two music sections
333 InsertSegno Insert Segno-sign
334 InsertSongText1 Insert Song text1
335 InsertSongText2 Insert Song text2
336 InsertSongText3 Insert Song text3
337 InsertSongText4 Insert Song text4
338 InsertSymbol Insert MusiCAD-Symbool
339 InsertTAB Insert chord diagram codes (e.g. 332010)
340 InsertTempo Insert Tempo change
341 InsertTempoATempo Insert tempo description 'a tempo'
342 InsertTempoAccelerando Insert tempo description Accelerando
343 InsertTempoAdagio Insert tempo description Adagio
344 InsertTempoAllegretto Insert tempo description Allegretto
345 InsertTempoAllegro Insert tempo description Allegro
346 InsertTempoAndante Insert tempo description Andante
347 InsertTempoAndantino Insert tempo description Andantino
348 InsertTempoGrave Insert tempo description Grave
349 InsertTempoLarghetto Insert tempo description Larghetto
350 InsertTempoLargo Insert tempo description Largo
351 InsertTempoLento Insert tempo description Lento
352 InsertTempoModerato Insert tempo description Moderato
353 InsertTempoPrestissimo Insert tempo description Prestissimo
354 InsertTempoPresto Insert tempo description Presto
355 InsertTempoRallentando Insert tempo description Rallentando
356 InsertTempoRitardando Insert tempo description Ritardando
357 InsertTempoRitenuto Insert tempo description Ritenuto
358 InsertTempoVivace Insert tempo description Vivace
359 InsertTempoVivacissimo Insert tempo description Vivacissimo
360 InsertTempoVolante Insert tempo description Volante
361 InsertTextBlock Insert textblock
362 InsertWhiteSpace Insert hard white space
363 LastCommand Redo last command
364 MIDIChannelPressure Menu MIDI-Channel-Pressure
365 MIDIControlChange Menu MIDI-control-change
366 MIDIPitchBend Menu MIDI-Pitch-bend
367 MIDIPolyKeyPressure Menu MIDI-Poly-key-pressure
368 MIDIProgramChange Menu MIDI-Program-change
369 MenuAccidentals Menu Accicentals (flat/sharp/natural)
370 MenuAssistChord Chord assistent
371 MenuBarline Menu Barlines
372 MenuBlock Menu Block selection
373 MenuClef Menu Clefs
374 MenuContext Contextmenu
375 MenuCrescendo Menu Crescendo
376 MenuDebugInfo Note-information
377 MenuDiverse Menu Diverse
378 MenuDynamics Menu Dynamics
379 MenuEditMC Edit using MusiCAD notation
380 MenuEditOptions Menu Edit options
381 MenuFragments Menu Music fragments
382 MenuGrace Menu Gracings
383 MenuHelp Menu help
384 MenuHelpKeys Shortcut overview
385 MenuInfo Menu Info
386 MenuKey Menu Keys
387 MenuMIDI Menu MIDI
388 MenuMarkers Menu Markers
389 MenuMeter Menu Meters
390 MenuMove Menu Move/Resize
391 MenuNoteColor Menu Colors
392 MenuOthers Menu Note-properties
393 MenuRest Menu Rests
394 MenuSearch Menu Search
395 MenuSingle Menu Coda
396 MenuStaffOptions Menu part options
397 MenuSwitchText Menu Text insert mode
398 MenuSymbols Menu Symbols
399 MenuTempo Menu Tempo
400 MenuText Menu Text
401 MenuTools Menu Tools
402 MenuTrillers Menu Trills
403 MenuVoice Menu parts
404 MouseFind Go to Mouse position
405 MouseInsert Insert at mouse position
406 MouseInsertCombi Insert combinote using mouse
407 MouseLocalMenu Menu local details
408 MouseMain Main mouse action (depending on cursor-button)
409 MoveLeft Move object through music left
410 MoveRight Move object through music right
411 PitchCondDec Subtract semitone from cursor note conditonally
412 PitchCondInc Add semitone to cursor note conditonally
413 PitchDec Subtract semitone from cursor note
414 PitchDec3 Decrement cursor note with minor third
415 PitchDecDiatonic Decrement cursor note within key
416 PitchDecOctave Decrement cursor note with an octave
417 PitchInc Add semitone to cursor note
418 PitchInc3 Increment cursor note with minor third
419 PitchIncDiatonic Increment cursor note within key
420 PitchIncOctave Increment cursor note with an octave
421 PitchModifyDoubleFlat Add double flat
422 PitchModifyDoubleSharp Add double sharp
423 PitchModifyFlat Add flat
424 PitchModifyNatural Add natural
425 PitchModifyNone Remove accidentals at note
426 PitchModifySharp Add sharp
427 PitchPreDec Decrement next note
428 PitchPreInc Increment next note
429 Play Play from cursor
430 PlayAll Play line
431 PlayKeyBoard Play on keyboard
432 PlayRepeat Play repeatedly
433 QuitEdit Quit edit
434 RecordMIDIStart Start live MIDI-recording
435 RecordMIDIStop Stop live MIDI-recording
436 Redo Redo
437 Repaint Repaint all
438 ResetEditDefaults Reset edit-defaults
439 SaveFile Force automatic save
440 SaveFragment1 Save Fragment 1 to {FRAG01}.MC
441 SaveFragment10 Save Fragment 10
442 SaveFragment11 Save Fragment 11
443 SaveFragment12 Save Fragment 12
444 SaveFragment2 Save Fragment 2
445 SaveFragment3 Save Fragment 3
446 SaveFragment4 Save Fragment 4
447 SaveFragment5 Save Fragment 5
448 SaveFragment6 Save Fragment 6
449 SaveFragment7 Save Fragment 7
450 SaveFragment8 Save Fragment 8
451 SaveFragment9 Save Fragment 9
452 SearchAgain Repeat last search
453 SearchBackward Search text backward
454 SearchBar Position to bar no
455 SearchCorresponding Search corresponding object (begin/end slur/cresc.)
456 SearchCuepoint0 Search for rehearsal letter [0]
457 SearchCuepoint1 Search for rehearsal letter [1]
458 SearchCuepoint2 Search for rehearsal letter [2]
459 SearchCuepoint3 Search for rehearsal letter [3]
460 SearchCuepoint4 Search for rehearsal letter [4]
461 SearchCuepoint5 Search for rehearsal letter [5]
462 SearchCuepoint6 Search for rehearsal letter [6]
463 SearchCuepoint7 Search for rehearsal letter [7]
464 SearchCuepoint8 Search for rehearsal letter [8]
465 SearchCuepoint9 Search for rehearsal letter [9]
466 SearchCuepointA Search for rehearsal letter [A]
467 SearchCuepointB Search for rehearsal letter [B]
468 SearchCuepointC Search for rehearsal letter [C]
469 SearchCuepointD Search for rehearsal letter [D]
470 SearchCuepointE Search for rehearsal letter [E]
471 SearchCuepointF Search for rehearsal letter [F]
472 SearchCuepointG Search for rehearsal letter [G]
473 SearchCuepointH Search for rehearsal letter [H]
474 SearchCuepointI Search for rehearsal letter [I]
475 SearchCuepointJ Search for rehearsal letter [J]
476 SearchCuepointK Search for rehearsal letter [K]
477 SearchCuepointL Search for rehearsal letter [L]
478 SearchCuepointM Search for rehearsal letter [M]
479 SearchCuepointN Search for rehearsal letter [N]
480 SearchCuepointO Search for rehearsal letter [O]
481 SearchCuepointP Search for rehearsal letter [P]
482 SearchCuepointQ Search for rehearsal letter [Q]
483 SearchCuepointR Search for rehearsal letter [R]
484 SearchCuepointS Search for rehearsal letter [S]
485 SearchCuepointT Search for rehearsal letter [T]
486 SearchCuepointU Search for rehearsal letter [U]
487 SearchCuepointV Search for rehearsal letter [V]
488 SearchCuepointW Search for rehearsal letter [W]
489 SearchCuepointX Search for rehearsal letter [X]
490 SearchCuepointY Search for rehearsal letter [Y]
491 SearchCuepointZ Search for rehearsal letter [Z]
492 SearchError Search errors
493 SearchForward Search text forward
494 SearchNextBarLine Search next bar line
495 SearchPrevBarLine Search previous bar line
496 ShiftDown Shift object 1 unit Down
497 ShiftDownTiny Shift object 1/10 unit Down
498 ShiftLeft Shift object 1 unit left
499 ShiftLeftTiny Shift object 1/10 unit left
500 ShiftRight Shift object 1 unit right
501 ShiftRightTiny Shift object 1/10 unit right
502 ShiftUp Shift object 1 unit up
503 ShiftUpTiny Shift object 1/10 unit up
504 ShiftZero Shift object to default position
505 Staff1 Goto part 1
506 Staff2 Goto part 2
507 Staff3 Goto part 3
508 Staff4 Goto part 4
509 Staff5 Goto part 5
510 Staff6 Goto part 6
511 Staff7 Goto part 7
512 Staff8 Goto part 8
513 Staff9 Goto part 9
514 StaffFirst Goto first part
515 StaffLast Goto last part
516 StaffNext Goto next part
517 StaffPrev Goto previous part
518 SwitchAuto switch Auto-duration ON/off
519 SwitchChordInsert Switch insert mode Chord symbols
520 SwitchCombi Chordmode (CombiNotes)
521 SwitchCursor Choose mouse mode insert/reposition
522 SwitchDur1 Switch to default duration 1/1
523 SwitchDur128 Switch to default duration 1/128
524 SwitchDur16 Switch to default duration 1/16
525 SwitchDur2 Switch to default duration 1/2
526 SwitchDur32 Switch to default duration 1/32
527 SwitchDur4 Switch to default duration 1/4
528 SwitchDur64 Switch to default duration 1/64
529 SwitchDur8 Switch to default duration 1/8
530 SwitchDurBrevis switch longa duration 6/2
531 SwitchDurDot Switch punctuation ON/off
532 SwitchDurLonga switch longa duration 4/2
533 SwitchDurNext Switch to next duration on button bar
534 SwitchDurPrev Switch to previous duration on button bar
535 SwitchDurTriplet switch triplet duration ON/off
536 SwitchDynamicsTextInsert Insert mode Dynamics
537 SwitchFullRepaint switch full repaint ON/off
538 SwitchInfoText1Insert Insert mode musictext 1
539 SwitchInfoText2Insert Insert mode musictext 2
540 SwitchInfoText3Insert Insert mode musictext 3
541 SwitchMIDIInsert Insert mode MIDI keybooard
542 SwitchMidi switch MIDI insertion ON/off
543 SwitchNoteInsert Switch insert mode Notes
544 SwitchOverwrite Switch Insert/Overstrike
545 SwitchScoreType Switch Score style
546 SwitchSkipNotes switch note skip ON/off
547 SwitchSkipText switch text skip ON/off
548 SwitchSongText1Insert Switch insert mode Song text 1
549 SwitchSongText2Insert Switch insert mode Song text 2
550 SwitchSongText3Insert Switch insert mode Song text 3
551 SwitchSongText4Insert Switch insert mode Song text 4
552 SwitchTextMode Switch mode text/notes
553 ToggleAccidental Toggle courtesy accidental
554 ToggleAltEnhExchange Toggle second enharmonic exchange
555 ToggleArcDown Toggle tie down
556 ToggleArcLegato Force tie to slur
557 ToggleArcUp Toggle tie up
558 ToggleBartokPizz Bartok-pizzicato
559 ToggleBendDown Toggle Pitch bend down
560 ToggleBendUp Toggle Pitch bend up
561 ToggleBindEnd Toggle end-tie
562 ToggleBindStart Toggle ctart-tie
563 ToggleBreakBeam Toggle secondary beam break
564 ToggleCircle circle
565 ToggleCymbalCrash Toggle Cymbal crash
566 ToggleDiamondClosed Toggle Flageolet
567 ToggleDiamondOpen Toggle Flageolet (playstyle)
568 ToggleDotShift Toggle Note head to other side of stem
569 ToggleDown Toggle stem direction down
570 ToggleDownArrow Toggle Down arrow at note
571 ToggleDownStroke Toggle Down-bow marking
572 ToggleDownTRRRR Trill with grace note from below
573 ToggleDownUpArrow Toggle Down/Up arrow at note
574 ToggleDrums Toggle Drum sign X
575 ToggleEnhExchange Toggle Enharmonic exchange
576 ToggleFermate Toggle Fermate
577 ToggleFinger0 Toggle Fingering 0
578 ToggleFinger1 Toggle Fingering 1
579 ToggleFinger2 Toggle Fingering 2
580 ToggleFinger3 Toggle Fingering 3
581 ToggleFinger4 Toggle Fingering 4
582 ToggleFinger5 Toggle Fingering 5
583 ToggleFinger6 Toggle Fingering 12
584 ToggleFinger7 Toggle Fingering 13
585 ToggleFinger8 Toggle Fingering 23
586 ToggleFinger9 Toggle Fingering 123
587 ToggleFingerI Toggle Fingering I
588 ToggleFingerL Toggle Fingering L
589 ToggleFingerM Toggle Fingering M
590 ToggleFingerR Toggle Fingering R
591 ToggleFingerT Toggle Fingering T
592 ToggleFlat Toggle Flat
593 ToggleFlat Toggle Flat
594 ToggleForceAtHead Force embellishment sign at note head
595 ToggleForceAtStem Force embellishment sign at stem
596 ToggleForceOutside Force embellishment sign outside bar lines
597 ToggleGlue Force clustering (glue together)
598 ToggleHalfFlat Toggle Quarter tone flat
599 ToggleHalfSharp Toggle Quarter tone sharp
600 ToggleHidden Toggle hide object
601 ToggleHihatOpen Toggle Hihat-Open
602 ToggleIrishRoll Irish roll
603 ToggleLeftSign Toggle Dynamic > sign
604 ToggleLongMordent Long mordent
605 ToggleLongPrall Toggle Long Prall
606 ToggleMarcato Toggle Dynamic ^ sign (marcato)
607 ToggleModFlat embellishment using flattened notes(s)
608 ToggleModSharp embellishment using sharpened notes(s)
609 ToggleMordent Toggle mordent
610 ToggleNatural Toggle Natural
611 ToggleNatural Toggle Natural
612 ToggleNonLegato Toggle NonLegato
613 ToggleOptional Toggle note between brackets ( )
614 TogglePrall Toggle Praller
615 ToggleRest Toggle between rest/note
616 ToggleRightSign Toggle Dynamic < sign
617 ToggleRoll1 Toggle single roll
618 ToggleRoll2 Toggle double roll
619 ToggleRoll3 Toggle triple roll
620 ToggleSchleifer Toggle schleifer
621 ToggleSeparate Force separate note (break apart)
622 ToggleSharp Toggle Sharp
623 ToggleSharp Toggle Sharp
624 ToggleSmall Toggle small note
625 ToggleStaccatissimo Toggle Staccatissimo
626 ToggleStaccato Toggle Staccato
627 ToggleStrum Toggle Chord strum
628 ToggleTR Toggle TR trill
629 ToggleTRRRR Toggle TRRRR trill
630 ToggleTenuto Toggle Tenuto sign (louder)
631 ToggleThumb thumb pizzicato
632 ToggleTriangle Toggle Triangle
633 ToggleTupletLayout display multiplets (quintuplet/septuplet)
634 ToggleTurn Toggle turn
635 ToggleUp Toggle stem direction up
636 ToggleUpArrow Toggle Up arrow at note
637 ToggleUpDownArrow Toggle Up/Down arrow at note
638 ToggleUpStroke Toggle up-bow marking
639 ToggleUpTRRRR Trill with grace note from above
640 ToggleX cross
641 Undefined * Unassigned command ***
642 Undo Undo
643 UndoAll Revert to last saved

See also