
From MusiCAD

Chords-symbols are a text-style with special characteristics enabling MusiCAD to use chords for accompaniment parts.

A list of chord-symbols that MusiCAD will recognize:

A A-major
Am A-minor
A2 A suspended 2nd
A4, Asus4 A-suspended 4th
A5 A omitted 3rd (neutral)
A6 A-major with added 6th
Am6 A-minor with added 6th
A7 A-dominant seventh
Am7 A-minor seventh
AM7, A*, AMaj7 A-major-seventh
AmM7, Am* A-minor major-seventh
A9 A-major with added 9th
A9b of A(b9) A-major with added flatted 9th
A11 A-major with added 11th
A13 A-major with added 13th
Ao, A-, Adim A-diminished
Aø, A0, Am7(b5) A-halfdiminished
A+, A5#, Aaug A-augmented
A# A-sharp-major
Ab A-flat-major (b stands for flat)
A9/h A-ninth with B as bass-note (h instead of small b)
A9#11, A9(#11) A-ninth with augmented 11th
A9b11, A9(b11) A-ninth with lowered 11th