Stem direction

From MusiCAD
Revision as of 21:52, 25 February 2023 by Musys (talk | contribs)

The stem direction of the note stems (up/down) is basically determined by MusiCAD. There are two ways to enforce otherwise:

part wise
Force all stems in one direction for one part using the score dialog. Useful when there are more parts allocated to a staff. The part stem direction effectively has three possibilities: automatic (the usual state) forced up, or forced down. When a part has all stems up, you can undo forced stem direction by clicking the stem direction button again.
individual clusters
Individual notes/clusters can be forced in the desired direction with keyboard shortcuts <ctrl-Pijltje omhoog> <ctrl-Pijltje omlaag>. Explicit stem direction of individual clusters takes precedence over the direction per part. If there are more note-heads on one stem, each with its own stem and stem direction, these must first be disengaged with <'>. The stem direction effectively has three possibilities: automatic (the usual state) forced up, or forced down. Forced stem direction again cancels the effect.

stem direction

See also